Everything You Should Know About Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia)

The herbal treatment tongkat ali has long been used in traditional Southeast Asian medicine.

It is frequently used to treat some illnesses, including bacterial infections, erectile dysfunction, and fevers.

Although there is little research in these areas, studies suggest that tongkat ali may increase male fertility, reduce stress, and enhance body composition.

Tongkat ali may cause DNA damage, according to a 2021 alert from the European Food Safety Authority.

This page discusses tongkat ali, including its advantages, potential drawbacks, and recommended dosage.

Tongkat Ali DNA Damage

The panel concluded that Tongkat Ali's safety for any condition of its usage has not been proved because it has the potential to damage DNA. However, the limited studies on Tongkat Ali use in humans have not documented any negative consequences.

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat ali, what is it?

The roots of the Southeast Asian-native green shrub tree Eurycoma longifolia are used to make tongkat ali, also known as longjack.

It is used to cure malaria, infections, fevers, male infertility, and erectile dysfunction in traditional medicine in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other Asian nations.

The different chemicals contained in tongkat ali are probably what gives it its medicinal properties.

Tongkat ali in particular has flavonoids, alkaloids, and other substances that function as antioxidants. Compounds known as antioxidants work to prevent the harm that chemicals called free radicals do to cells. They might also have additional positive effects on your health.

Tongkat ali is often ingested as part of herbal drinks or in the form of pills containing the herb's extract.


The Southeast Asian shrub Eurycoma longifolia is the source of the herbal remedy tongkat ali. It is used to cure some illnesses, including infections and male infertility, and contains several potentially advantageous chemicals.

Tongkat ali

Possible health advantages

The majority of tongkat ali's purported health advantages are not well understood, however some study points to the possibility that it can treat male infertility, elevate mood, and build muscle.

testosterone levels could rise, enhancing male fertility.

It is well recognized and well-documented that tongkat ali can raise testosterone in men who have low amounts of this essential sex hormone.

Age, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, some drugs, testicular injury or infection, and several conditions, including prolonged alcoholism and obstructive sleep apnea, can all cause low testosterone.

Low libido, erectile dysfunction, and even infertility are side effects of low testosterone levels. These conditions might be treated with tongkat ali since its constituents may increase low testosterone.

In a one-month trial of 76 older men who had low testosterone, 200 mg of tongkat ali extract per day was found to dramatically raise this hormone's levels to normal levels in more than 90% of subjects.

Furthermore, research on both humans and animals demonstrates that tongkat ali increases sex excitement and may help males with erectile dysfunction.

Last but not least, tongkat ali may improve sperm motility and concentration, enhancing male fertility.

One study found that giving 75 male partners of infertile couples 200 mg of tongkat ali extract daily for three months dramatically enhanced sperm concentration and motility. More than 14% of treated couples were successful in becoming pregnant.

Similar findings revealed that daily intake of 300 mg of tongkat ali extract by 108 males aged 30-55 led to average increases in sperm volume and motility of 18% and 44%, respectively.

These trials suggest that tongkat ali is an effective treatment for low testosterone and infertility in some men, although further study is required.

Tongkat ali

Maybe calming down

Your body's stress hormones may be reduced by tongkat ali, which may also lessen anxiety and lift your spirits.

Tongkat ali extract was compared to a common anti-anxiety medication in a 1999 study that first suggested the potential use of this remedy in treating mood disorders. The study found that tongkat ali extract significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in mice.

Although there is little research, similar effects have been observed in people.

In comparison to those who received a placebo, 63 people with moderate stress experienced a 16% reduction in salivary cortisol levels after taking 200 mg of tongkat ali extract daily as a supplement.

Additionally, after ingesting tongkat ali, participants reported considerably reduced stress, rage, and tension.

Although the results are encouraging, more research on people is still required.

May enhance the physical composition

Tongkat ali is widely touted to promote athletic performance and build muscle mass.

This is due to the presence of substances known as quassinoids, such as eurycomaoside, eurycolactone, and eurycomanone, which may aid in improving endurance and the effective utilisation of energy by the body.

In other words, the dietary supplement might function as an ergogenic aid, which is a drug that can boost stamina and alter body composition.

Those who took 100 mg of tongkat ali extract daily saw noticeably larger increases in lean body mass than those who took a placebo, according to a short, 5-week trial of 14 men enrolled in a strength training programme.

Additionally, they dropped more fat than those in the placebo group.

The addition of 400 mg of tongkat ali extract daily, in contrast to placebo, significantly boosted muscular strength, according to a 5-week trial of 25 active older adults.

However, a tiny study on cyclists found that drinking a beverage containing tongkat ali while exercising had no more of an impact on performance or strength than drinking water alone.

Depending on the dosage and duration of the treatment, these inconsistent results imply that tongkat ali may have some ergogenic effects, but additional research is required.


According to studies, tongkat ali may improve testosterone levels, treat male infertility, reduce stress, and maybe build muscle. Still, an additional in-depth study is required.

Tongkat ali

Dose and possible adverse effects

The water-based extract from dried ground tongkat ali may cause DNA damage to the tissues of the stomach and duodenum at high doses (2,000 mg/kg body weight), according to a 2021 report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods, and Food Allergens.

The panel concluded that tongkat ali's safety for any condition of its usage has not been proved because it has the potential to damage DNA.

Tongkat ali has been used in a few human research, but none of them have documented any negative side effects.

Mice administered orally 200 mg/kg body weight of tongkat ali in an alcohol-based extract or 300 mg/kg in a water-based extract did not exhibit alterations in their liver or kidney function, according to a 2016 review that included toxicological investigations.

The same study discovered that the lethal oral dose for mice was over 3,000 mg/kg for the water-based tongkat ali extract and between 1,500 and 2,000 mg/kg for the extract based on alcohol.

In a 2012 study, 300 mg of tongkat ali extract taken daily for 12 weeks was as risk-free as taking a placebo, according to 109 men between the ages of 30 and 55.

The safety of tongkat ali when mixed with maca root, a natural treatment for low sex drive, was recently investigated in Egypt in a 12-week randomized clinical trial on males with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. This clinical trial's findings haven't yet been made public.

Adults can safely consume up to 1.2 grams of tongkat ali extract a day, according to other studies, but this dosage hasn't been tested. The supplement's safety for prolonged periods is also unknown because no studies have looked at it.

Additionally, a previous study from 2006 that looked at the mercury content of 100 tongkat ali pills from Malaysia discovered that 26% of them contained levels of mercury that were greater than the advised limit.

Mercury poisoning, which is characterized by mood swings, memory disorders, and problems with motor skills, can be brought on by consuming excessive amounts of the metal.

Additionally, tongkat ali's effects on kids or women who are expecting or nursing have not been studied. As a result, it is unclear whether the treatment is secure for these groups.


For the majority of healthy adults, tongkat ali looks to be safe in doses of 200–400 mg daily. High doses, however, have the potential to harm the DNA in the gastrointestinal tract. The safety of tongkat ali for expectant or nursing mothers is uncertain. Mercury may also be present in some supplements.

Do you recommend tongkat ali?

Tongkat ali

There isn't much research, however, some studies have found that tongkat ali may enhance body composition and lower anxiety.

Male infertility, low libido, and low testosterone may also be treated with it.

Although tongkat ali does not seem to have any negative effects in doses up to 400 mg daily, research is scarce, and the studies that are available concentrate on short-term use.

Whether consuming the supplements for extended periods is advantageous and secure is unknown.

Consult your doctor if you're considering taking tongkat ali to make sure it's safe for you.

Remember that some supplements might contain mercury contamination as well. Additionally, they aren't tightly controlled and can contain more or less tongkat ali than is stated on the label. Choose a renowned brand that has undergone independent testing.

The dearth of study in this area also suggests that tongkat ali shouldn't be taken by women who are expecting or nursing. Before using tongkat ali, people with medical issues or those taking drugs should consult their doctor.


There isn't much research on tongkat ali, however, it may increase low testosterone, reduce anxiety, and enhance body composition. Before using this product, speak with your doctor.


What happens when you take tongkat ali?

It's frequently asserted that tongkat ali improves athletic performance and builds muscle. This is due to the presence of substances known as quassinoids, such as eurycomaoside, eurycolactone, and eurycomanone, which may aid in improving endurance and the effective utilization of energy by the body.

Can I take tongkat ali everyday?

These findings suggest that tongkat ali root extract supplementation daily enhances stress hormone profiles and some mood state parameters, indicating that this "ancient" remedy may be a useful strategy for protecting the body from the damaging effects of "modern" chronic stress, which may include general.

Does tongkat ali make you hard?

Clinical research and studies involving more than 500 male test subjects since 2010 have shown that tongkat ali may induce a long-lasting erection to allow you to enjoy your sex life. In conclusion, Tongkat Ali does make it hard for healthy adults (or if you have an androgen shortage).

What are the benefits of taking tongkat ali?

There is a fair amount of proof that the herb Eurycoma longifolia, also known as longjack and tongkat ali, has aphrodisiac and procreative benefits. However, the evidence for "testosterone boosting" is not strong. Some evidence also points to antiestrogen and proerectile effects. Men's Health is where tongkat ali is most frequently used.

Tongkat ali

The conclusion

An herbal medicine called tongkat ali, often known as longjack, is said to help with low testosterone, male fertility, anxiety, athletic performance, and muscular mass.

Research is still scarce.

Consult your doctor if you're interested in trying tongkat ali and look for a reputed brand in stores or online.